Simple Installation of Hydroponic System
Installing starter kit.
setting up the water pump and pipe inside the 20 ltr water tank.
The big O ring should be underneath the platform.
Add in another black O ring when necessary to stop the leakage.
Fill in 3/4 tank of freshwater.
Keep some space to dilute the solution just in case the nutrient may be too strong later.
Keep some space to dilute the solution just in case the nutrient may be too strong later.
Drop-in some nutrients.
100 ml nutrient mixture: 20000 ml (2 ltr) water.
100 ml nutrient mixture: 20000 ml (2 ltr) water.
or pour in per cover cup (10 ml) per week for the first month,
and two cover cups per week for 2nd month onwards.
Check water Ph:
Maintain the water acidity with a pH of between 6.5 to 7.
Set the timer.
Turn it on.
Ready to transfer these little seedlings baskets into each cell.
