Mixing the nutrients solutions
Different Brands of ready-mixed Hydroponic Nutrient Solutions can be easily purchased from an online search.
The hydroponic starter kit comes with a package of nutrient formulae for easy mixing.
20220118 Tuesday 1400 Hot Afternoon
Prepare a 500 ml bottle with
clean warm freshwater ( 30° C to 55° C ).
I bought this thermometer from Daiso for $2.00

Pour 2/3 of the 500 ml warm water ( 30° C to 55° C ) into the mixture packing and stir well till all melt.

Pour in all the nutrients mixture solution
from the mixture packing back into the 500 ml bottle to mix with another 1/3 of the warm water in the bottle.
Stir/Shake well.
Label the date: 20220118 Tuesday 1500.
For Storage, do not expose the bottle to the light.
Best kept at the temperature between 18°C to 24°C (65°F to 75°F)
Cover the bottle with a black cloth or a black paper bag/box.
Keep it in a cooling environment.
Shake well when using it.
Mark the scale on the bottle.
Pour 100 ml into the reservoir weekly.
Top up water to fill up the water tank.
Test pH to maintain a pH between 5.5 to 6.5.
Test EC
Test TDS
20211115 Monday 1000
Prepare a 500 ml bottle with
clean warm water ( 30° C to 55° C ).
I bought this thermometer from Daiso at $2.00
Pour 2/3 of the 500 ml warm water ( 30° C to 55° C ) into the mixture packing and stir well till all melt.
Pour in all the nutrients mixture from the mixture packing
into the 500 ml bottle
to mix with another 1/3 of the warm water in the bottle
and stir well.
Label the date: 20211115 Monday 1500.
Cover the bottle with a black cloth or a black paper bag.
Keep it in a cooling environment.
Shake well when using it.
Mark the scale on the bottle.
Pour 100 ml into the 20 Ltr reservoir weekly.
Top up water to fill up the water tank.
Test pH to maintain a water pH between 5.5 to 6.5.
Test EC
Test TDS
For a 20 ltr water tank
1 ltr = 20,000 ml
1 ml nutrients solutions to mix with 200 ml of water
100 ml nutrients solutions to mix with 20,000 ml (2ltr) water.
FOR a 20 Ltr water tank (full tank of water) ---> 100 ml: 1/5 of the 500 ml bottle.
FOR 20 Ltr water tank ---> 200 ml: 2/5 of the 500 ml bottle.
The capacity of the cover of this bottle is 10 ml.
While the seedlings are still small, Instead of pouring in 100 ml to the water tank, I prefer to add in each cover-full of nutrients gradually once per week for the first month and 2 covers per week for the next two months. There having 200 ml for three months for a 20 ltr tank hydroponic reservoir.
Add in nutrients gradually to maintain a more consistent pH.

20220103 Monday 0800 Continuously heavy rain 4 nights.
If you observe some plants starting to dry up like this on the next day or the next few days after adding in the nutrient solution, it is likely the nutrient is too strong for them.
Add in water to dilute them.
Use lesser nutrients next time.
Once per week add in the nutrient,
Add water,
Check pH,
Check EC.
Check TDS,
