Checking the water quality
pH / TDS / EC meter / Temperature meter
酸碱 / 总溶解固体 / 电导率 测试仪
pH Tester
酸碱度 测试笔
These home-use Testers costs SGD20 to SGD80 are available online,
depending on the different grades, their features, and their quality.
I saw some commercial models posted online
that goes as high as > SGD500+/-.
Not too sure what are those for?
pH "potential of hydrogen" (or “power of hydrogen")
一般情况下,TDS 值 越低,越表明 水中 所含 的 离子状 有机化合物 越少,既是 水 就 越纯净。
纯度高 0 - 50 ppm Water is Clear and Clean
纯度较高 50 - 100 ppm
纯度一般 100 - 300 ppm
会结水垢 300 - 600 ppm Forming Algae
口感较差 600 - 1,000 ppm
不宜饮用 1,000 and above Water is polluted, not for drinking.

Measuring pH and electrical conductivity (EC) can be used to check the quality of irrigation water, calibrate fertilizer and acid injectors, and measure nutrients and availability for plant uptake in applied fertilizer solutions and the root zone.
pH refers to the acidity-basicity of a solution, which influences the solubility and availability of nutrients for plant uptake. This is particularly the case for micronutrients like iron, manganese, and boron. A pH < 7 is acidic, pH > 7 is basic, and a pH equal to 7 is neutral.
In general, pH readings between 1-6 are considered acidic, 7 is neutral, and 8-14 are basic.
pH decreases with an increase in temperature. But this does not mean that water becomes more acidic at higher temperatures. A solution is considered acidic if there is an excess of hydrogen ions over hydroxide ions.
Electrical conductivity (EC)
测量水中 总离子 的 导电能力 (电量)
电导率 是 溶解 固体 的 总量, 既是 水中 总离子 的 电导率, 反应水 的 质量。
Electrical conductivity (EC) is a measure of total soluble and dissolved salts in solution. EC is measured in units of electrical charge. Dissolved nutrients and non-essential ions such as sodium and chloride all contribute to the EC. EC does not indicate specific concentrations of nutrients or elements.
Relatively dilute waters, such as distilled water or glacial meltwater have low electrical conductivities, ranging from zero to the microSeimen range, whereas temperate streams and lakes, especially those with a significant groundwater contribution, generally have higher electrical conductivities.
What is TDS in hydroponics?
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
溶于 水中 固体 物质 的 含量 (物理量)
Total Dissolved Solids, or TDS, in hydroponics, is the measurement of how much salt, nutrients, and other concentrates are present in the water. The TDS is measured in parts per million, or PPM.
Monitoring the TDS of hydroponic systems is crucial for successful operations.
Take routine pH measurements of the following:
- water source
- water/nutrient solution
- growing medium with nutrient solution added
ideal pH range is 5.8–6.2
TDS and EC meter (TDS tester)
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
unit: mg/L (milligrams per liter), or ppm (parts per million)
Electric Conductivity unit: μS/cm
tester in our tap water TDS: 113 ppm (parts per million)
Testing water in the hydroponic water tank:
Turn on ---> Dip ---> Hold ---> Pull up ---> Read
If the pH is off, use a commercially available pH adjustment solution (called "pH Up" or "pH Down") to adjust your pH accordingly.
If you monitor pH regularly, you will see that the pH slowly rises as the plants take up nutrients.
When you replenish the nutrient solution, you will see the pH fall again.
More dramatic changes in pH can be indicative of disease; for example, root rot can cause the pH to drop to 3.0–5.0, while algal growth can raise pH levels above optimal levels.
TDS ppm 溶解性固体含量,
Temp °F °C
S.G ppm 海水比重,
Salt Salinity % 盐度 - 溶解盐比重,
ranged from SGD60 +/- to SGD150 +/-
available online depending on their features and quality.
ORP Oxidation-reduction potential
ORP measures the ability of a lake or river to cleanse itself or break down waste products, such as contaminants and dead plants and animals. When the ORP value is high, there is lots of oxygen present in the water.
ORP 氧化还原电位
ORP 越低, 消耗氧气 有害成分 的 有机物 越高, 喜 氧菌 会 非常 活跃,水质越脏。
一般饮用水 ORP 值 +150 - 550 mV, 鱼缸 ORP 值 +300 - 450 mV,
泳池水 经过 消毒剂 氯 chlorine 消毒后, ORP 值 > = + 650 为 合格。
S.G: 1.000 ~ 1.222
一般海水密度 为 1.02 - 1.07, 溶解盐 平均 重量 差 约为 3.5%
always clean / rinse well the probe tip with freshwater or rubbing alcohol after each use.
淡水鱼 pH 6.5 - 8.5, ORP 230 - 260 mV
淡水鱼 pH 6.5 - 8.5, ORP 230 - 260 mV
海水鱼 pH 7.0 - 8.5, ORP 300 - 450 mV
pH 越少 水越 酸性 7 为中性
ORP 越低 水越脏
泳池水 经过 消毒剂 氯 chlorine 消毒后, ORP 值 > = + 650 为 合格。
离子(ions)是指带一个或多个负电荷的离子。 原子或原子团失去或获得电子后所形成的带电粒子叫离子,负离子亦称“阴离子”。 某些分子在特殊情况下,亦可形成离子,如氧的离子状态一般就为阴离子,也叫负氧离子。
20211122 Monday 0600 good morning.
These three plants started at the same time. The same batch of seeds. They are growing in the same environment.
However, the middle plant is not happy.
It is safer to transplant the seedlings only when the plant is slightly longer than our index finger (at least three to four weeks after germinating).
Pull out all the unhappy plants to test if nutrients help.
Checking the plants.
Realize that the sponge and the roots are not properly placed. Pull out the roots.
Try to soak their roots into the nutrients mixture water and see how?
20211121 Monday 0900 after rain morning.
20211126 Friday 0900 good morning.
20211127 Saturday 0900 good morning.
it is better to transplant new seedlings 🌱 to the hydroponic cells after at least 30 days from their sprouting. They are stronger after then. Sometimes they can't survive maybe because their stem or roots are too weak or injured.
Portable TDS & EC Meter
EC 6,580 ppm or EC 1,480 ♧s/cm at Water temperature 29 °C
Portable TDS & EC Meter
EC 6,580 ppm or EC 1,480 ♧s/cm at Water temperature 29 °C
Water Acidity measurement units: pH (potential of hydrogen)
pH is a measure of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water.
Water that has more free hydrogen ions is acidic,
whereas water that has more free hydroxyl ions is basic.
What does the EC meter do?
It determines the total amount of nutrient salts dissolved in the water.
EC = Electrical Conductivity.
CF = Conductive Factor
ppm = Parts Per Million,
TDS = Total Dissolved Solids
truncheon meter,
20200913 Seedlings
There are different types of nutrients available online. I like to try one after another type.
I am very sure no one would like to see the whole tank of plants and seedlings all dried off the next day after adding in the nutrients.
I am very sure no one would like to see the whole tank of plants and seedlings all dried off the next day after adding in the nutrients.
It's good to test the concentration of the nutrients in different batches before putting all of them into the hydroponic system.
